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所属栏目:公司动态  日期:2025-02-17 08:46:00 点击次数:



       SPP40项目是一款高性能、多功能的海工船舶,总长81.75米、型宽17.40米、型深7.8米,最大吃水6.3米,设计航速可达 13 节。入级法国船级社(BV),需满足BV船级社Clean Ship规范要求。在动力系统上,它采用先进的电力推进模式,艏部配备2台管隧式侧推器,尾部则设有2台全回转主推进器,这一设计让它在复杂海况下也能灵活自如地行驶;同时,它还率先应用了磷酸铁锂电池、燃油监测系统等前沿技术,是一艘完全符合国际市场需求的环保型 PSV。


On February 12th, the 15th day of the first lunar month, coinciding with the Lantern Festival, Rainbow Offshore successfully held the keel-laying ceremony for two SPP40 platform supply vessels. This event marked a critical stage in the construction of these projects and achieved a positive start for 2025. The N1053 vessel began construction in October 2024, and the N1054 vessel started in November of the same year. The Rainbow Offshore project team accelerated the production of these projects, carefully planning and achieving the significant milestone of keel-laying both vessels two months ahead of the original schedule.

The SPP40 project is a high-performance, multi-functional offshore vessel, measuring 81.75 meters in total length, 17.40 meters in breadth, 7.8 meters in depth, with a maximum draft of 6.3 meters and a designed speed of up to 13 knots. It is classified by BV and needs to meet the Clean Ship specification requirements of the BV classification society. In terms of the power system, it adopts an advanced electric propulsion mode, equipped with two tunnel-type bow thrusters at the front and two azimuthing main propellers at the stern. This design allows it to navigate flexibly even in complex sea conditions. Moreover, it is the first to apply cutting-edge technologies such as lithium iron phosphate batteries and fuel monitoring systems, making it an environmentally friendly PSV that fully meets the demands of the international market.


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